YouTube Subscribers, Views & Likes: What Is More Important?

YouTube Subscribers, Views & Likes: What Is More Important?

​​Subscribers, views, and likes are fundamental metrics that every YouTube content creator tracks closely. Achieving a balanced presence of these elements is essential for the growth of your YouTube channel.

If you find yourself uncertain about which metrics you need to be focusing on or how they contribute to the platform's algorithm, keep on reading as we will clarify all these matters.

YouTube Subscribers: What Are They?

They are people that choose to receive updates from a specific YouTube channel. Videos from channels someone is subscribed to are more likely to appear prominently around YouTube (including the YouTube search and the homepage).

Over time, you'll acquire and lose subscribers, but since your videos will be shown to your subscribers whenever they open the app or visit the website, you should always aim for more.

However, since there is no assurance that a subscriber will watch your next video, subscribers are not the same as views.

YouTube Views: What Are They?

It is exactly what it sounds like. When someone views your video on YouTube, it is called a view. A view is defined by YouTube as:

Watching a video for at least thirty seconds (The duration does not need to be 30 seconds in a row. The video can be stopped or skipped to another section for viewing). A video may receive four to five repeat views from each viewer each day.

YouTube pays per 1000 views, so you definitely want to do everything you can to get more views to your videos. High-quality views can turn into subscribers and also help you start earning money.

YouTube Likes: What Are They?

A like is a quick way to let a video creator know that you enjoy their work. It is also a form of engagement.

YouTube’s algorithm will use likes as a way to boost your content since they are considered as a social proof that someone found it interesting enough to watch.

So… Which One Matters Most?

Unfortunately, it's hard to give a straight response to this question because any of these can contribute to your success on YouTube.

From a strictly monetary perspective, the views might be the most important ones since they translate into earnings. For those focused on monetary gain, maximising views is paramount. However, as mentioned at the beginning of this article, achieving a balanced presence of these elements is essential for the growth of your YouTube channel.

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